donald ewen cameron family

This was made into a TV mini-series directed by Anne Wheeler in 1998, called The Sleep Room, which also dramatizes the lawsuit of Cameron's ex-patients against the CIA. [37], Whether or not Cameron was aware that funding for his experiments was coming from the CIA is unclear; it has been argued that he would have carried out the exact same experiments if funding had come from a source without ulterior motives. Ben: But Duncan is still, in some ways, trying to defend his dads honor. He studied Medicine at the University of Glasgow and obtained his degree in 1924. . He died of a heart attack while climbing a mountain in the Adirondacks in 1967. Typically, I would show up there and, if it was a Friday, ask if I could have a lift down to Lake Placid. David Cameron's grandfather Ewen Donald Cameron (1906-1958) was a City of London figure who became a director at the stock brokerage house Panmure Gordon. Cameron wanted to build an inventive psychiatric institution to determine rapid ways for societal control while demanding a psychological economy that did not center itself around guilt and guilt complexes. [citation needed]; if the greater population of Germany saw the atrocities of World War II, they would surely submit to a re-organized system of justice. This third type needs, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 19:10. "Madness: The Secret Mission for Mind Control and the People Who Paid the Price" an investigative series in 5 parts unravels the shocking history of CIA-funded mind-control experiments. And he was always very fascinated by what the future held for us all. He is largely known today for his central role in unethical medical experiments, and development of psychological and medical torture techniques for the CIA. Amory: Author Stephen Kinzer, who wrote the book about the CIA and Mind Control, says, after Vietnam, this same literature got used elsewhere. Not all the time, but it's always there. And here I am looking much younger than I am now. He demanded that political systems be watched, and that German people needed to be monitored due to their "personality type", which he claimed results in the conditions that give rise to the dictatorial power of an authoritarian overlord. Heres journalist John Marks. The title is The Understanding Man. Lake Placid in particular, and the northern Adirondacks in general, have lost suddenly, tragically, but in a sense, beautifully, probably their most distinguished citizen. Canada's McGill University has owned up to the part it played in MKUltra's Sub-project 68, and they say that it really started before Dr. Ewen Cameron even got involved. She was a former captain of the Scottish field hockey team, a competitive tennis player,[11] and lecturer in mathematics at the University of Glasgow. Ben: Would you have anything that you would want to say to Dr. Cameron or his family? in psychological medicine from the University of Glasgow in 1924, a D.P.M. Part of Camerons plan for his patients was to wipe their minds clean, to make them forget their past, so they could move forward. While he didn't name names or give specifics, he did say that papers "related to patients were destroyed.". Amory: But, Camerons extreme measures didnt result in a Nobel Prize or any mental health breakthroughs, which is why Harvey finds a certain poetry in his untimely death. Dr. Ewen Cameron wanted to win a Nobel Prize for his work in psychiatry. He received an M.B., Ch.B. There's Edgar Allan Poe stories and Sherlock Holmes stories. [26] His "psychic driving" experiments consisted of putting a subject into a drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple statements. So we reached out to one of the most comprehensive archives in the world: The Library of Congress. [citation needed]. Amory: Eventually though, it wasnt just Camerons successor who was calling him out. To see some of the things that have happened are very upsetting. Alison Steel won compensation for her mother's misery in 2017, says the CBC: $100,000 in exchange for ending legal action. with distinction from the University of Glasgow in 1936.[8]. Ben: Did you ever get a sense of at least some of the things that he was trying to accomplish while he was at the Allan? The first was for 18 days and the second for 29 days, all while hearing endless recorded messages and being subjected to a series of electroshock therapy sessions. The sick were, for Cameron, the viral infection to its stability and health. In addition to LSD, he experimented with various paralytic drugs such as curare and electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. She went from apartment to apartment, mental hospital to mental hospital. music, sound effects, tone) are harder to translate to text. The legacy can be seen in the torture techniques employed in Northern Ireland and in Guantanamo Bay. Thank you! And here he is with me many years ago. And he has a much different memory of how it all went down. When asked about the decision to involve Cameron in MK-ULTRA, John Gittinger, the CIA officer in charge of monitoring his work said, quote, Now that was a foolish mistake. I mean, he was that much of a scientist. Ben: Duncan Cameron was 10 years old when his dad became the Director of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal. Hebb who did pay the students for their participation basically put them in a room for 24 hours, in a set-up that deprived them of all sensory input. We want to hear from you! The FBI's FOIA Library contains many files of public interest and historical value. And this is a picture up with my brother, Stuart. Jim: But again, you know, the deposition transcript, you're going to have to rely on that, like we did. "[36], Cameron is the subject of Stephen Bennett's film Eminent Monsters (2020), which was funded by BBC Scotland and Creative Scotland. father. They stressed how they'd been unwilling participants, and that they'd gone to the institute for other issues. Being compared to the Nazi's most notorious doctor probably isn't the life goal of most medical professionals, so let's look at what he did to deserve this dubious title. Did it work? You can buy the full book for only . The work of Dr. Ewen Cameron may have been discredited by mainstream psychiatry, but that doesn't mean it went away completely. Amory: And, they delivered, with a full transcript of Duncans deposition from November, 1983. [6] Decades after his own death, the psychic driving technique he developed continued to see extensive use in the torture of prisoners around the world. He spoke about Germans, but also to the larger portion of the society that resembled or associated with such traits. . [citation needed]. 3.99 She was gonna go out there and do something. About 55 families of victims who underwent medical experimentation in the 1950s and 1960s are suing for millions of dollars. For example, something like rock music could be created by mentally ill people and would produce mentally ill people through infection, which in turn would be transmitted to the genes. (Rubenstein LS. It's not clear how many patients Dr. Ewen Cameron's treatments destroyed, but some families have come forward with stories of what was done to their loved ones. For years, the patients of Dr. Ewen Cameron or, more accurately, the families of those patients have been trying to get compensation for the unthinkable experiments their loved ones were subjected to. She had no idea how to boil water, much less care for a child. Donald Hebb and Ewen Cameron were competitors; they did not collaborate, though Cameron incorporated Hebbs sensory isolation techniques into his own diabolical arsenal of psychiatrys instruments of torture. Cameron stated, "Get it understood how dangerous these damaged, sick personalities are to ourselves and above all, to our children, whose traits are taking form and we shall find ways to put an end to them." from the University of London in 1925, and an M.D. And, until theres true accountability for what happened and what is still happening, it never will be. Ontario. Care of his patients went to his assistants, and here's where things get even weirder. Amory: Nearly everyone who experienced Camerons treatments first-hand has since died. Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Bridge of Allen, a small town in Scotland, on December 24, 1901. Amory: Ben and I are in an apartment in Washington D.C. thats bursting with morning light and books, and were flipping through some of our hosts old family photos. Ben Brock Johnson: So what do you have in front of you here? He did technically, because nothing says "wonders" has to be a good thing. But the government agency backing his experiments at the Allan did find a way to make use of his methods. Amory: Dr. Ewen Cameron will never be able to respond to the intergenerational trauma created by his work. [25], Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by "erasing" existing memories and "reprogramming" the psyche. The extent of Goldberg's treatment - or mistreatment - while in the care of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute, would remain an encumbering family secret for years. AIan Cameron followed in the footsteps of his father and became a director at Panmure Gordon in 1957. [1] In papers published during this time he linked RNA to memory. Yeah so it was sad. Duncan: Well, I think he was always fascinated in the future. That was the case for people like Phyllis Goldberg. We were unable to subscribe you to WBUR Today. And there some of them were high risk ones. [28] His work was inspired and paralleled by the psychiatrist William Sargant, who was also involved with the intelligence services and experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage. And in a lot of ways, modern psychiatry has completely left behind the man who once dominated its ranks. We shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry we did it.". Skip . We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Cameron was born on December 24, 1901, in Scotland and graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. The paper stated that German culture and its people would have offspring bound to become a threat to world peace in 30 years. Ex-husband of Enid Agnes Maud Watson. Pregnant with son Lloyd, Esther was kept in a drug-induced coma in the sleep room for a month, where she lost 13 pounds. Ben: In photos, the Cameron family seems happy, a candid shot of Ewen Cameron that looks to be from a garden party shows the psychiatrist in a skinny tie and jacket, horn-rimmed glasses and short cropped white hair. In 1984, New Scientist reported on a lawsuit filed on behalf of some of the people who ended up a part of MKUltra's Sub-project 68. Her life was sad. Duncan: You see, he doesn't have a scowl. And that kind of explains why, when they were ordered to stop their depatterning and psychic driving of patients, they just sort of didn't. "[35] She then cites Alfred W. McCoy: "Stripped of its bizarre excesses, Cameron's experiments, building upon Donald O. Hebb's earlier breakthrough, laid the scientific foundation for the CIA's two-stage psychological torture method. With the results of the Manhattan project, Cameron feared that without proper re-organization of society, atomic weapons could fall into the hands of new, fearsome aggressors. Photo by Courtesy of Julie Tanny For the first four years of Julie Tanny's. Sign up and be the first to find out the latest news and articles about what's going on in the medical field. Like Freud, Cameron maintained that the family was the nucleus of social behavior and anxieties later in life were spawned during childhood. Duncan: Yes. She was left with permanent impairments: She was unable to recognize faces, had impaired spatial recognition, and lost a good portion of her memory. Ben: As for the CIAs MK-ULTRA program itself, it never had an official end date. Just as Sigrid Schultz stated in Germany will try it again, Cameron fostered a fear for Germans and their genetic determination. And I think my father would have too. It describes various personalities that he believed were of marked danger to all members of society. [14] Hess later confessed that he had faked the amnesia. Though he does seem to imply that it was done by him or someone in the family. Harvey Weinstein: Complicated question, we all have motivations for the things that we do. Thank you! Duncan: I started work at the State Department just a day or so before Kennedy was assassinated. [31][2] In her book, In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada,[32] author Anne Collins explored the history of Cameron and Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute. In Cameron, the CIA had a psychiatrist, conveniently outside the United States, who was willing to do terminal experiments in electroshock, sensory deprivation, drug testing, and all of the above combined. And I feel for them for that. At least, until after Cameron left the Allan. . Marian believes all of this was a result of her mother going into the Allan. He saw no reason why psychiatry should be any different. [citation needed]. In 1936, he moved to Massachusetts to become director of the research division at Worcester State Hospital only 1 year later. This is Part 5. Or answer questions about his motivations, whether or not he knew he was part of the CIAs mind control efforts. They had 11 children: Allan Francis Cameron, John Donald Cameron and 9 other children. Duncan: I mean, it's very different than the caricature that you sometimes read in the press. Cameron also wanted to revolutionize the way psychology and psychiatry looked at mental illness. It was reported that none of the patients sent to the Radio Telemetry Lab showed any signs of improvement. You know, my job was to look out for the cops. In his 1946 paper entitled "Frontiers of Social Psychiatry", he used the case of World War II Germany as an example where society poisoned the minds of citizens by creating a general anxiety or neurosis.[19]. He argued that people with mental illnesses could spread and transmit their diseases. They had four children; a daughter and three sons. ", "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron,". We encourage you to research and examine these records . The transcript has been edited from our original script for clarity. Dr. Morrow, says The Washington Post, had applied for a fellowship in psychiatry with Cameron. Amory: In the Lake Placid community where Dr. Camerons family spent the bulk of their summers, his sudden death from a heart attack while hiking was big news. In the final installment ofMadness," we sit down with Duncan, and we explore the shocking ways his father's methods are still being used today. The idea that people needed to sit down and talk about their problems was the old way of doing things, and Cameron was living in an era where things were getting more and more automated. Despite the horrific abuse, the American and Canadian psychiatric establishment closed ranks. They fear the stranger, they fear the new idea; they are afraid to live, and scared to die." Not only was Ewen Cameron running the Allan Memorial, but he was leading psychiatric organizations, he was teaching at McGill University, and he was still seeing private patients. Duncan: It's really a very moving editorial. Tell us about your reaction to this episode or send us a story idea. Their diagnosis was amnesia and hysteria, per a short commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association. He received an M.B., Ch.B. It is true. His successor at Allan, Robert Cleghorn, would later write (via "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron,""Cameron's controversial practices [are] now thoroughly discredited." In his analysis, German culture was made up of people who had the need for status, worshipped strict order and regimentation, desired authoritarian leadership and had a deeply ingrained fear of other countries. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. He commuted from Lake Placid, New York to Montreal every week to work at McGill's Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there, known as the Montreal experiments. Cameron never got his Nobel Prize in fact, he died not long after leaving Allan Memorial Institute. Ben: He looks like hes having a good time. Operating under the umbrella of MKUltra were as many as 162 sub-projects, with as many as 80 different organizations involved in research. [citation needed][21]. Therefore, society should function to select out the weak and unwanted, those apt towards fearsome aggression that threatened society. I wasnt destroying documents. Donald Hebb the psychiatrist who started the whole mess with his sensory deprivation experiments had even less kind things to say: "Cameron was irresponsible criminally stupid. Duncan: We all very much wished, as we always had, that my father was alive because he would have had to deal with that issue and would have dealt with it quite effectively. In 1946, Cameron introduced the practice of the day hospital, the first of its kind in North America, permitting patients to remain at home while receiving treatment at the institute during the day, thus avoiding unnecessary hospitalization and allowing the patients to maintain ties with their community and family. Two of my sons are lawyers and they say it isnt a good idea.. He moved to Upstate New York where he studied aging and memory at two hospitals in Albany. Cameron began to abandon the Freudian unconscious in favour of a social constructivist's view of mental illness. This must be very difficult, very complicated for them. Morrow's family got involved, and it was only at their insistence that she was transferred to another hospital. memorial page for Donald Ewen Cameron (1852-5 Feb 1892), Find a Grave Memorial ID 170055188, citing Cameron Cemetery, Indian River . She's the exception, though, and the CBC says that 2020 saw others like Lana Ponting, who was just 16 when she was sent to the sleep room hoping that year, it would finally be their year, thanks to a class action lawsuit filed in 2019. Take a guess. Ewen Donald Cameron. Scottish-American psychiatrist Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron led and conducted these experiments. Case of Gail Kastner: The shock treatment turned the then 19 year old honours student into a woman who sucked her thumb, talked like a baby, demanded to be fed from a bottle and urinated on the floor. At that point her affluent family abandoned her and she lived in poverty. Amory: The answer might be in the idea of brainwashing itself. Cameron's work stopped when she gave birth, and Lloyd remembered a broken mother. In 1963, the CIA published the Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation manual, and that's exactly what it sounds like guidelines on how to get people to talk. Like, did she always have problems? And he said, Oh, gosh. She goes, No. She was the one that was gonna go and conquer the world. These did nothing to calm the feud which continued through succeeding reigns to when Donald's grandson Ewen, the 13th chief, fought at the battle of Flodden where James IV was killed. For instance, he was careful to say he didnt know anything about his dads treatment regimen at the Allan, which may very well be true. If we can succeed in inventing means of changing their attitudes and beliefs, we shall find ourselves in possession of measures which, if wisely used, may be employed in freeing ourselves from their attitudes and beliefs in other fields which have greatly contributed to the instability of our period by their propensity for holding up progress, In Cameron's book Life is For Living, published in 1948, he expressed a concern for the German race in general. He furthered his diagnostic definitions of clinical states such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. Marian Cameron. Cameron further argued that "the weak" must not influence children. But none of us trained in psychiatry. Amory: In spite of Camerons ambition and prestige, he never helped find a cure for mental illness, he never won a Nobel Prize for psychiatry. Ben: Im Ben Brock Johnson, and youre listening to Endless Thread, the show featuring stories found in the vast ecosystem of online communities called Reddit. Although Cameron rejected the Freudian notion of the unconscious, he shared the Freudian idea that personal psychology is linked to the nervous nature. Duncan: Oh yes, he enjoyed a good joke even if they were off color. He wanted to know if it was possible to wipe a person's mind and reinstall a new personality. Lloyd has continued to fight for recognition, recompense, and an apology. Amory: Marian was 5 years old when her mom was admitted to the Allan for what she thinks was postpartum depression. So I think the complaints of the doctors and nurses had reached their ears. There are movies like Gaslight and Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 22 As the Watergate scandal broke in 1973, MKUltra was officially ordered to be shut down by the CIA. His work had led him to the belief that mental illness could be "cured" like, say, a broken hip might be rehabilitated. Sounds questionable? Experts must develop methods of forcefully changing attitudes and beliefs to prevent the authoritarian overlord. And you can see this manual that's been found all around the world, from hellholes to modern democracies. Cameron placed the psychiatric treatment unit inside of the hospital and inspected its success. Amory: Jim Turner was one of two prosecutors on the case. You can see out a window. Other similar psychiatric diagnoses of Germany were published during this time. What Hebb and Cameron both have in common is their contribution in establishing the scientific foundation for CIAs two-stage psychological torture method. Amory: He doesnt explicitly say that he was the one who did the destroying. Cleghorn immediately went and took a long, hard look at what Cameron had actually been doing in his little corner of the university, and he was pretty shocked. Her family sued, first based on the treatment alone, then again, after discovering she was a part of the MKUltra program. His theories of behavior stressed the unity of the organism with the environment; the book also outlined experimental method and research design. She very slowly recovered mostly and died in 2017. There was also Donald Hebb, who ran McGills psychology department at the time Cameron was running its psychiatry department. I'm sure part of him very much wanted to be the person who cures mental illness. In 1943, Cameron was invited to McGill University in Montreal by neurosurgeon Dr Wilder Penfield. According to Cameron's psychiatric analysis of the German people, they were not suitable to have children or hold positions of authority because of a genetic tendency to organize society in a way that fostered fearsome aggression and would lead to war rather than peace; he would repeatedly use the German as the archetypal character structure on which to ground the most psychologically deviant humans. The mentally ill were thus labelled as not only sick, but also weak. Toby Ziegler:In the '50s, it was the CIA mind control research program begun in response to the Chinese attempt on U.S. prisoners. A series of other research scandals in the 1960s resulted in stricter regulation of research practices and a more stringent code of ethics. That, says McGill University, was the work of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, a psychiatrist who performed experiments so horrifying he's been called "Scotland's Mengele." Research genealogy for Donald Ewen Cameron of Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA, as well as other members of the Cameron family, on Ancestry. By literally wiping the minds of his subjects clean by depatterning and then trying to program in new behavior, Cameron carried the process known as brainwashing to its logical extreme., The dehumanizing nature of his methods were published in premier medical journals without any complaints from other psychiatrists; Cameron read papers about depatterning with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists; and they rewarded him, electing him president of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations. Cameron began his training in psychiatry at the Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital in 1925. Because his dad isnt around to do it himself. I'm sure that they loved him very much and knew him in a very different way. He has an open, amused look on his face. He clearly had his mind set on doing unorthodox research long before the Agency front started to fund him. Ewen Cameron experimented on people right up until he left the Allan in 1964. Cameron started to distinguish populations between "the weak" and "the strong". Cameron wrote that mental illness was transmitted generationally; thus, the re-occurrence of mental illness could be stopped by remodeling and expanding existing concepts of marriage suitability, as well as the quarantine of mentally ill individuals from the general population. These became the basis of a new social and behavioural science that he would later institute through his presidencies of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Under that program, more than 80,000 suspected North Vietnamese sympathizers were interrogated by US forces and their allies. His brutal techniques involved a three-stage method for brainwashing in order to eliminate the will and establish control: first, mental depatterning achieved through drug-induced coma; massive neuroleptic drug cocktails induced extended sleep lasting up to eighty-six days. Amory: We definitely will. But he has fond childhood memories of summers spent in New Yorks Adirondack Mountains, where his dads competitive nature led him again and again to the line of the horizon. Ewen passed away on month day 1915, at age 84 at death place. North America. It has to do with another of his Adirondack hikes that changed the Cameron family forever. Montreal's CTV says that by the time she died in 2011, she had spent the last 20 years of her life as an "infant," unable to allow anyone near her head without a terrible reaction. 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