they know everything i'm sorry bush funeral

ModeRNA. Look closely and follow the trail of 6uild 6ack 6etter. This App involves a Centralized Cryptocurrency that includes your fingerprint, biomedical data, personal and medical identity records. Why would there be this super secret envelope revealing something huge on a mega televised event like this? People are getting . And youll see that millions of your fellow citizens have already taken them with little to no side effects. The Covid-19 "Vaccines" are for Depopulation and Worsening the "Pandemic." Is there no such thing as coincidences? Required fields are marked *. Guide to the main skills for the Fire Mage in World of Warcraft Classic, A Beginners Guide to Making Amazing Paper Mache Sculptures. It is dramatic because many of them looked worried and pissed. I'm not understanding the conspiracy. There is literally nothing on it . Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a Fifth Generation warfare attacks a country from the ground up, from within, by infiltration, not invasion. HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). It's about Sending a Message. That's the million dollar question my man. Simpsons family gets sent to receive Re-Neducation which is an Education Camp. Full Alien Disclosure means Humans find out they are Cattle. Copyright 2023 Rumble. "I'm not weak! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. A New World. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. To those waiting: have patience. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. 350 votes, 119 comments. The best is when the coffin for GWB sr. goes by and Laura shows Jeb and George the notes, they both turn white and visibly shocked. The situation about GameStop (GME) and Melvin Capital going up in flames is not about the Money. Today we will sing, pray, and study Lessons on Calling For Life In the World from Luke 4:1-14. Orchestrating War. A huge secret kept form the sheep..but then deliver it when theres heaps of cameras. I will tell you why Joe Biden is not getting the "Intel." This is an interesting video. Video Removed From Youtube: The Shooting inside the US Capital was 100% Staged. Inflate Virus deaths for increased Fear. They KNOW everything, I'm sorry. Let's take a look at these important topics. It is much easier to control the narrative if you Demonize ALL Dissenting Opinions against Joe Biden. July 29, 2020, 3:47 am When it comes to currently trending information, no one does it better or more timely than Dr. Mercola. Video Removed From both Youtube and Vimeo: The Shooting inside the US Capital was 100% Staged. Youll see that they are safe, and they are effective. China Daily, controlled by the Chinese Communist Partys propaganda department, paid @WSJ $85,000, the @latimes $340,000, @ForeignPolicy $100,000, among other U.S. newspapers for advertising campaigns between May and October 2020. They have to hide that Depopulation is happening through Vaccination. Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport, Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the Increase Demand for Vaccine. Masterful. Will pass antibodies to baby. . They had the same look on their faces that anyone has at any service. Elections., "A Gay Prostitution Ring Reached Into George H.W. How are these Children Not locked up in Cages? GWB.. No Cells from Aborted Fetus are in COVID-19 Vaccines; that rumor is patently false! It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. How long do we endure the fakes? I'm sorry.": ???.. Melvin Capital is losing Billions and in full Panic Mode. "To help our society to 'build back better', inclusion of the vulnerable must also entail efforts to promote their active participation." 2728b The Attempted Coup [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious (54 min), Ep. Quantum, Expansion, Exporation, All That Is, The Art of BEing Hue-man, New Earth. I wonder what is in this letter. ~ March 1, 2023, General Blaine Holt: Elites Dont Understand WhatsHappening ~ March 1, 2023, Even More Young Americans Are Unfit to Serve, a New Study Finds. It appears to be at George H.W. Bill Gates and Elon Musk and two different sides of the Same Coin. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. A message to the world, no one with a thinking mind could miss it. It looked like George Jr.'s wife ask "is this true?" Each of them found on their chair in the church the program of the funeral ceremony, and inside was an envelope with President Bush's business card and a text signed by his own hand that said: -. ", "Got my #CovidVaccine today as a 35 weeks pregnant anesthesiologist. Control. HEALTHY PETS: Can You Feed Portobello Mushroom to Your Pets? Theres CT related to the Clintons, theories related to Bidens, but the Bush's aren't caught up in the pedo theories (side note, because snr was Republican so he gets given a slide by most Trumpsters). Theres got to be some sort of explanation. "Former President of the United States. More friendly censorship, Covid and the Vax are meant to kill long term, not short term. This is a part of the Plan. So, why is everyone in DC ignoring this fact? I'm Sorry." - George H. W. Bush Funeral Envelope Reactions (04:44) Get Instant Updates - Join Us On Telegram THE PLAN P2 - "They Know Everything. Most Americans are Unaware that FDA has only Approved COVID-19 Vaccines as an "Emergency." Don Trump Jr's latest: 'It's Worse than You Think' but it's okay because WE GOT THIS! 1876 was the most Contentious Election in History as 3 states sent dueling electors to the electoral college. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. H.A.A.R.P. DJT & Melania sat there calmly, while the entire Cabal was in full panic mode. A Doa Ana County Detention Center officer facing Termination for Declining a COVID-19 Vaccination is suing county manager Fernando Macias and detention center officials over Mandatory Vaccination Mandate. Opens up again and its oh, the janitor had some child porn. Its 4 hours almost directly south of Zorro Ranch. So I saw a video of the "envelopes" being passed around by some of the elites at the George Bush Sr funeral. I love this guy! No? Warnings coming from Department of Homeland Security. Upcoming Events. Black Lives Matter. Your email address will not be published. RECEIVING A LETTER FROM A DEAD MAN! PLEASE NOTE**THERE IS EVERY POSSIBILITY that Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo will block you from subscribing. Our lives have just turned into a Real World 'Deus Ex.'. When did Propaganda really start to be used against US Citizens through their Televisions and Internet? All Rights Reserved. I'M SORRY." George H.W. Bush. This is one of the only versions left with reaction from those who received one. And such icons as Theodore Roosevelt, who died at 60, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died at 63, or Lyndon B. Johnson, at age 64. And to be clear, Im not implying thats the case nor do I believe that to be the case. "The daily death toll from Covid-19 just exceeded the deaths from 9/11 on this important day for vaccine development." (SCOTUS website search result for 22-380) We Asbury University canceled classes for the next two weeks to make room for the overflow of people coming from around the world!YEA GOD!Asbury Revival Update: TikTock News RubyRayMedia on Rumble Published Feb 16, 2023 Length 1:06 It's about time! Joe Biden knows it. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. And that was the last time these people were seen live in their true form. The Internet, Your ability to Communicate and Spread Information, is one of the most powerful weapons to Undermine and even Destroy their Narratives. Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual Freighter that Blocked the Suez Canal drew a Penis with their footprint before getting Stuck. Lets Cut to the Chase: Bill Gates wants to Legally Kill as many Human Beings as possible with his Money and Investments. They have collectively joined Forces against The People and the Last Administration. Touching: When Jeb Bush reached over to grab his older brother's hand and knee after he delivered his moving eulogy, it was telling of the 'closeness' of their relationship, experts said Former. Speak Out. "There was no TV and there was a bucket to go to the toilet in. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. "The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP" Censored all across Reddit because is blacklisted. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. Mathew was trying to leak this Data to the Press and ended up losing his Job", "You're having a conversation with a friend and everything is fine until you mention something like, '9/11 was an inside job.' Today, 7 states have sent Dueling Electors for the 202 election, making this Election the Most Contentious in History. Id take one for the team with Hilary to see what was in the envelop. IM SORRY.George H.W. Maybe it was a copy of Bush Sr's confession. Canadian military's move to cancel exercises with China upset Trudeau: Reports. Case and point, the day they got a strange card at Bush senior's funeral. There is reports Tiffany Dover is dead. Obviously, it's never a pleasant thing to have to deal with such dark criminality, even to hav President Trump and First Lady Melania Exude Class Traditionally, thethird Monday of February is when Presidents' Day is celebrated. Whatever Laura showed Jeb, Jeb knew INSTANTLY what it was and he instinctively looked in the direction of his father's coffin. People who line up to get shot up an 'Experimental Vaccine' are no different than the people who drank Jim Jones Kool-Aid. To those who are unsure: read primary sources, ask, & don't give into fear.". And now the USA is admitting tha Story at-a-glance The safety data on Recombivax HB, the hepatitis B vaccine for newborns, are sadly lacking, as the FDA approved the shot based on clinical trials performed on only 147 infants and children and followed for only five days There are fo Arizona is notan isolated vote fraud case; it's just one that'sbeen uncovered. Those Dissenting Opinions are labeled as a Trump Supporter and even highlighted as domestic terrorism. I agree, the odds of it being this are slim but I always keep an open mind. He had opted for a cyanide pill - cyancallium.-Bush had confessed to everything.Numbers were coded on the envelopes.-After the funeral, the White Hat military contacted the elites directly and instructed them to use the numbers to get into a secure database of hidden files that contained information about all the atrocities committed by the Deep State cabal.-These included files full of videos, evidence and sealed indictments against the Vatican, the UN, NATO, the CIA, the FBI, Rockefeller, Rothschild and the U.S. political elite.-Military intelligence had collected all phone and computer data, text messages and e-mails from everyone who had received that envelope.-They were all informed that George H. . Bush was a traitor - an informant for the military.-Bush had admitted everything.-And that was the last time these people were seen live in their true form.-The four couples who received that letter have long since passed away.-Since then we have seen their holographic images, CGI, clones and masked actors.-By the way, they did not succeed in assassinating President Kennedy.-He knew about their plans and had sent a double for the event in Dallas that day.-But he was forced to spend the rest of his life in anonymity until last year.-Yet behind the scenes, he had been actively involved in the development of the Great Plan to destroy evil. All of it. Hallelujah! They are feckless,weak, and no longer relevant. The public is not aware that the Vaccine Benefits outweigh the Consequences, "only at this time.". As bits and pieces of the 44,000 hours of video of theJ6 event leak out, more and more DNCaccomplicesare found. George Laura Jeb Michelle Barack and Joe Biden , Hillary and Bill all received the/a message . Last Friday it was only around $65 a share. FYIBoth videos were unable to view with a Notice of Video removed. Users Online Now: 3,014 : Visitors Today: 494,847: Pageviews Today: 966,672: Threads Today: 379: Posts Today: 7,799: 01:22 PM : I'M SORRY." -George H.W. So, nothing linking all people who got the envelope. This all ties in to what's happening now. Bush Sr. (1989-1993), when former presidential couples Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as former vice-presidential couple Joe and Jill Biden and current vice-presidential couple Mike and Karen Pence received the same letter from the dead president.-Each of them found on their chair in the church the program of the funeral ceremony, and inside was an envelope with President Bush's business card and a text signed by his own hand that said:-"THEY KNOW EVERYTHING,I AM SORRY" G.H.W BUSH-Bush was executed for orchestrating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, and for other crimes against humanity.-READ MORE--->>>>Show more. George H. W. Bush: "They know everything. They Consented to Experimentation and Waived their Rights Away. the wives read the note to the husbands. cept for pence they didnt open theirs on camera. management. Welcome to February 17, 2023, the date itself adds up to 17. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. HOW WINNERS WALK>>> MUST WATCH TO GET FINALLY AN UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS GOING ON!-For all those who are still unfamiliar with the origins of the Q Military Intelligence Qperation and its purpose,-->> Earth Alliance covert operations have neutralized high-level parasitic elites, bloodline families and secret societies in recent years.>>> FOR CABAL, THE TAKEDOWN OF THE CABAL FROM A TO Z>>> Bush Sr. Funeral Video - Eyes on the wives & envelopes--->>> & JFK JR. REUNION SEPTEMBER 11 2016 GAME OVER---->>> PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT #DDK #QNN-->> ENVELOPES MYSTERY SOLVED--->>> BUSH FUNERAL and the ENVELOPE - "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY"---->>> BUSH FUNERAL and the ENVELOPE - "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY"-->>, WE HAVE IT / THEM (YOU TOO?) The Greatest Conspiracy EVER Told and Written: You have been bestowed FREE WILL. Our world had become addicted to the Big Lie and all the little lies that cover for it. George H. Bush. Bush Obviously I have no way of knowing if this is true. First Migrant facility for children opens under Biden. If you watch the video of George Bush Jr., His wife and Jeb Bushs reactions you can see how this might be true Laura Bush reads it and asks George Is this true?, George looks down and says one word yep. 19 Jan 2023 23:44:58 Mr Bush has received glowing tributes from around the world, with many hailing him as the country's greatest one-term president. That way if you die they will have to Pay Out since they will Not Prove it is Vaccine Related. And may of included we have it all. Media and Government Lies Exposed by Everyday Australians, Find out whos behind these crimes against humanity, If you want to stop the UN and WEF stealing your homes, land, wealth and freedoms take control NOW and join the thousands of Australians making a difference at AustraliaOne. 2020-12-29 15:36:48 Greatest Redpill you May Receive 2020-12-29 16:49:08 This Image Sums up the current State of Affairs of the Conspiracy Theorist versus Narrative Control. I read or heard on a video of White hatters that the envelopes were personal to each person as far as Their crimes. Depopulation and Culling of the Human Species has begun. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Special Forces Warned about Pepe the Frog, Extremist Icons. COVID-19 Vaccines are playing out Exactly like the Polio Vaccine and Swine Flu Vaccine. Additional Thoughts on September 16, 2021 I just watched these again. Jan . "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY" G.H.W BUSH. Video Proof. MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: COVID Jab Gets Permanent Liability Protection as Predicted, EYE ON Liberal Hell Holes: Chicago relieved as Lori Lightfoot gets the boot, BOOM! Posted on 01/21/2021 8:59:44 PM PST by BlackFemaleArmyColonel. GHW Bush People on 8 say this was what was inside the letters at HW Bush's funeral.looks kind of fake but you tell me. The whole world burning down their economies for an obviously FF pandemic, forcing vaccines on us and a full on NWO rollout nothing ever came of this. That's what we're all being exposed to now, in a big way! The Franklin scandal, they whispered of Bush seniors affinity for younger flesh. George Soros invested $45 Million into Activision-Blizzard. Retired Newspaper Columnist, The same may also be True for words as such as 'Vaccine,' 'COVID-19,' and 'Bill Gates. Some of those tributes have included a curious "code word". Hey y'all. User Clip: secret service passes a note. He is out in the open in public and in-front of everyone. "One version from envelopes: They know everything. I bet the note was a. This means the standard approval process has been Bypassed. Confirmed dick pic, that old spicy bastard. Does nobody see this? Lots of corruption in DC we charge other countries for there actions humanitarian ills but we have much crooked criminals corruption in the electorate. COVID-19 "Vaccine" is All About Consent. They were looking at a piece of paper. Follow: @JFK_Q A Union Pacific funeral train, its 11 cars and two locomotives painted in the colors of Air Force One, chugged through the Texas hinterland, its arrival capped by the Navy's first-ever 21 . Some Masks made during the COVID-19 Pandemic contain tiny 'Black Worms.' Pfizer/Moderna volunteers took to Facebook to gossip about side effects, incl high fever, being unable to lift anything," vertigo, high BP, arm pain for weeks, feeling beaten with a baseball bat & hours-long vomiting. Funeral. A President-Elect, especially one already discovered to being connected to a foreign adversary, is not getting the Intel. The Biden Crime Syndicate undermines Americans' rights and freedom by the second. He isleader of HPV Vax Injury: Chloe Was Able To Write Back! Fifi Leigh Just a few Months Later George Floyd Happens. | 2-27-23 ~ March 1, 2023, The New Earth Blog ~ Creating Our New Life in the Age of Compassion, THE MIND OF RD REVILO, The Blog (& Podcasts) 4 THE BROTHERS, THE BROTHERHOOD THE RESURRECTION OF OUR MANHOOD. You beat me by just a whisker. LOL. she just opened it I think he already saw or was unknown seem they were gonna act respectful wait till after --- they know all --- CHILD TRAFFICKING, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, BIRTH CERTIFICATES, FORIGIEN ENTITIES the lis goes on and on and on its why . If not, remove the wrong ones in the widget settings. Do you think they would be horrified at what they see? I'm sorry. These included files full of videos, evidence and sealed indictments against the Vatican, the UN, NATO, the CIA, the FBI, Rockefeller, Rothschild and the U.S. political elite. According to a recent filing by her attorney, an unidentified man was in Ghislaine Maxwell's prison cell, taking photographs of her, during her quarantine for possible Covid exposure. I don't need your protection!" You have Legal Rights. That's Charles Lieber on the left. Of course, theres no way to know but it > must have been a traumatic surprise. MESSAGE "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY GEORGE H.W. People are trusting Pfizer with the COVID Vaccine!! its amazing what kind of stories people can spin by looking at totally random footage. This was Pre-Planned and to Possibly cause a Global Economic Distress. Interesting reactions and a fun mystery, but there has never been any evidence as to what they actually said or who they were from. Watch this video clip to understand better the evil perpetrated on We the People during the c19 scamdemic and theinevitable jab treatment it led to. Oil. The four couples who received that letter have long since passed away. Bush was executed for orchestrating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on Nov . Its more fun and eye-opening than you might think! While speakers honored Mr. Bush's service to his country, they also remembered his humor and quirks. They were all informed that George H. . Bush was a traitor - an informant for the military. Above all else, we respect All of those who received a COVID-19 "Vaccine" may end up Permanently Sterilized and there is Nothing they can do about it. Let's demand that we get Trump back - NOW. Many folks on r/wallstreetbets are holding the line while there is a Conspiracy to get people to Sell before Friday. 2021 is off the charts. LARP or Legit? Learn how your comment data is processed. Conspiracy Confirmed! George H.W. RECEIVING A LETTER FROM A DEAD MAN!Show more. Then a rushed and Unsafe "COVID-19 Vaccine" appears, the Vaccine Death Numbers a brushed aside and swept under the rug. GW seems resign, the letter wipes the stupid grin off Jeb's face and Laura looks indignant/angry. By engaging locally, you'll be able to blow the whistle on the infiltrators, many ope Georg is a guestcontributor to Ruby Ray Media. China. Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition. Thursday, 17 March 2022 789 Hits. It does not matter your color, intellect, sex, status or wealth. Star Trek Next Generation - Borg "Black" Cube passing Saturn. Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party. More deluded than you linking the envelopes to the pandemic, even though the envelopes were a year before the pandemic and half the people who received an envelope aren't in power and therefore have little to gain/lose more than the rest of us? Cheney, Obama, Michelle, Bush Jr, all together, just chillin. The only shocked person seemed to be Jeb and Laura, yet they weren't looking at an envelope. "They know everything. Presidents' Day isrecognizedas a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents, past and present. From Dr. Joseph Mercola Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. Report Video Issue. He has Openly and Publicly declared Depopulation through vaccination on a couple of occasions now. Apparently, the Clintons, Bidens, Pences and Obamas received an envelope from GW Bush stating the following: They know everything, Im sorry.. Now people are injecting Experimental Gene Therapy "Vaccines" into their body. Copyright 2023 Rumble. "If I was a boy and trained with you, I would protect you." Aemond looked at you, a bit suspiciously. He knew about their plans and had sent a double for the event in Dallas that day. Correct the Record? MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE: WHAT WAS IN THE BUSH SR. FUNERAL ENVELOPES? Fall of Notre Dame. Disclaimer: You cant make this shit up. Im confused here? Copyrights, Ruby Ray Media Ruby Ray Systems and our Torch Logo Registered Trademarks, are owned and licensed by Ruby Ray Systems Srl.Copyright 2020 Ruby Ray Systems Srl, a Swiss Limited Liability Company. While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. 16 February 2023 . Michelle is more than happy to pal around and take candies from George W. I'm sharing because I've seen this floating around. Really he is a Billionaire and Top "Elite" that does not give a Fuck About You. Im sorry. You've gone from envelope to pandemic with no inbetween. Bill Gates has marching orders in Orchestrating to Depopulate the Human Species through Vaccination. They Keep Saying it is a Time to Heal. LINK:, Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Under Arrest By Capitol Marshalls During Biden Inauguration - These are the same Capitol Marshals she was being escorted by during the Impeachment. Reddit Inc. may be censoring them due to recent events of GameStop (GME) stock. Encoded on the envelope were Numbers ( keys) & after the Military ( White HATS) connected them directly & told them to use the numbers to enter a secure hidden Files database that kept all the Information on ALL the Atrocities of the CABAL/ DEEP STATE regimen> including VATICAN ,UN. To Pay out since they will not Prove it is Vaccine Related with reaction from those are... To Possibly cause a Global Economic Distress to more Serious ( 54 )! Going up in Cages Gates has marching orders in orchestrating to Depopulate the Human has. 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